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Upcoming features

Throughout the rest of 2023, we'll be working hard to provide additional features within the Beam sdk or related products (like the Beam marketplace).

As we are working with multiple game development studios in order to ensure the success of Beam and the integration of it within the developers their games, we will shift more granular priorities throughout time as we see fit to ensure partners success. Therefore, the roadmap serves as a set of handlebars - not an exact promise.


Feel like something is missing, and needs to be prioritized? Let's have a chat through

Q3 2023

  • Transaction policies (paying for profile transactions, or charging users an on-chain currency)
    1. The possibility of creating transaction policies to charge users ERC20 tokens to fulfill a transaction

Q4 2023

  • Release of the Beam companion app
    1. The initial release will be in October. The application will support a way to link-up to player profiles, and view their in-game assets within those profiles
    2. Throughout Q4, we will be deploying additional features like transferring assets, buying / listing on Beam marketplace through the app and asset swaps
    3. Late 2023, we expect to release a feature called Beam Vaults, which will be a self-custodial solution for users to interact with their assets
  • Release of Beam marketplace
    1. Allowing game devs to create editorial pages for their in-game assets on the marketplace
    2. Allowing game devs to interact with listings on the beam marketplace through the Beam sdk
  • Expanded marketplace features
    1. Listing & buying assets in all the supported currencies by the Beam marketplace (BEAM, USDC, USDT)
    2. Making offers on unlisted and listed items (eg; making an offer lower than asking price in any of the supported currencies)
  • Trading assets
    1. Trading mechanism allowing you to transfer assets (one-to-many, many-to-many or one-to-one) without the risk of failure
  • On-chain event subscriptions through Queues
    1. Allowing game devs to listen to on-chain actions taken by users outside of the game developers control
    2. Allowing game devs to be aware of transactions being completed without having to implement polling
  • A Beam provided identity solution
    1. Allowing game devs to implement 'Log-in with Beam' without them having to implement their own authentication solution
    2. Log-in works through scanning a QR code generated through the Beam sdk, scanned by the user within the Beam companion app

Closing the developer preview

Throughout time, the Beam sdk will mature from a developer preview to a stable product. In order for us to get to that point, which we expect to happen sometime in Q4 2023, we want to reach the following milestones:

  1. Infrastructure in place for high availability in different regions (RPC nodes, application instances and read replicas in multiple regions around the world)
  2. Definitive design of sdk methods for v1 without further risk for breaking changes
  3. Automated release pipelines for SDK updates, automated changelog feeds based on oasdiff (opens in a new tab)
  4. Infrastructure status solution to allow you to be aware of possible issues
  5. Log-in works through scanning a QR code generated through the Beam sdk, scanned by the user within the Beam companion app